Posts Tagged ‘Informational’

Most Depressing Gaming Trip Ever

April 28, 2011
My Car! by The Gonk
My Car!, a photo by The Gonk on Flickr.

We headed over to Mik’s to try out some Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3.0. We’d had some thunderstorms throughout the day, nothing major, and it was raining pretty hard while we started generating characters. Then my wife called and said she and the kids were sheltering in the bathroom! Typical overreaction from a wife, huh? I’m trying to get my game on, and she’s calling me freaking out over a little rain. She calls me a second time, and I ask her what she wants me to do? I can’t do anything about the weather!! Shortly after that, we hear the rain noticeably start to escalate. Then, the “tack tack tack” of hail. Then, “THUDTHUDTHUDTHUDTHUD!!!! I never heard that before!! We open the door and there is a carpet of big hail stones outside. I stick my hand it in, get hit by a few small ones, then WHAP get a big one that HURT BADLY and left a nice bruise. And I’m thinking, “Yeah, that would have dented a car…” More than dented, my car was absolutely crushed. We called the game and I went home to apologize to my wife!! We wound up with golf ball sized hail and it was indeed a pretty scary situation after I got home. I am covered by insurance for the damage to this and the relatively minor damage to the house– nothing at all to complain about when over 250 people died.

Lessons in Anti-Monarchicalism

March 15, 2011
Originally uploaded by The Gonk

I’ve carried some cheap bottle opener on my keychain for about fifteen years. It was given to me by some long ago unreadable vendor, and has served me long and dutifully, well above and beyond the call of duty for a normal bottle opener. He finally gave up the ghost, and I got an almost identical replacement the very next day from Mik. However, this replacement was in name only, not spirit, as he lasted only a few short months. I decided to purchase one, and figuring with luck it would amortize at under $1 a year, I bought a $20 one and got it engraved. I thought I had picked a cool quote any wargamer would recognize…but apparently, I was wrong, as none of my friends appeared to know the reference!! “Sic semper tyrannis!” shouted Brutus, when he stabbed the tyrant Caesar (or so the dramatists say). It is a phrase I’ve often considered getting as a tattoo, on the off chance I could become the king of Sweden (Field Marshall Bernadotte was rumored to have had this tattoo). The translation: “Thus always to Tyrants!” Listening to the History of Rome podcast, he mentioned how Emperor Diocletian ordered (unsuccessfully) price fixing across the Roman Empire, and how these prices have survived history and included the names of three different types of beer. A little research on the Interwebs turned up CERVISIA as a Celtic wheat beer. As a big fan of Hefeweizen, the epiphany struck– a keychain with which I could exclaim, “Thus always to beer!” as I killed yet another one.

Gaming Tip

December 19, 2010

Originally uploaded by The Gonk

I stumbled across a nifty little gaming tip the other day. When we play the great air combat game Check Your 6!, the guys running the game usually hand out clipboards to the guys running the planes, who clip their planes’ roster on it and plot their actions each turn. Most of us will usually clip the quick reference sheet underneath for easy access. Well, the other day I received a clipboard with a clear plastic back. It wasn’t intended, but I realized I could put the most useful side of the QRS facing backwards and just flip my clipboard over to take a look at it! Simple, and useful.

Take It From a Professional

November 23, 2010
Face First into Legos
Face First into Legos
Originally uploaded by The Gonk

You don’t want to fall face first into anything. But if you have to fall face first into something, you don’t want that something to be a Lego creation. Those precised edges can be painfully sharp with just a little force behind them! Number Two Son fell onto Number One Son’s Lego boat. It was a pretty minor fall, so I wasn’t to concerned at first, but the blood just kept coming! Not visible are a busted lower lip and a torn upper gum! At least he kept his teeth– unlike Number One Son who knocked one out at about this age…

An Interesting Data Point About Stripping Miniatures

November 22, 2010
It’s Alive! IT’S ALIVE!
Originally uploaded by The Gonk

So, a long while back, I picked up some Wargames Foundry pirates and the Treasure Island characters. They were primed and painted pretty roughly, so I dropped them in a Mason jar full of Pine-Sol to strip the paint off. Not too much later, I decided to strip some Tau Pathfinders and Kryomek Talos units I had bouncing around, and dropped them in a Mason jar of Simple Green. Then I pretty much forgot about them. For, near as I can guess, two or three years.

Yeah. Pretty sad. So I was looking at them the other day, and got to wondering…what, exactly, happens when you leave a figure in Pine-Sol or Simple Green for two years? I mean, lead is pretty durable stuff, but it’s not indestructible. I started having some ill thoughts that maybe these miniatures were ruined somehow sitting in these chemical solutions for so long. So, I decided to take them out.

How does a lead figure look after two years in Pine-Sol? Well, they seem just fine. They look like I just dropped them in. In fact, I can’t even say they were stripped any better after two years in Pine-Sol than they were after two days in Pine-Sol. I still had to scrub paint and pick it out of crevasses with toothpicks. For the love of god, random eBay seller, what are you painting your figures with that your black paint was still solid after two years in Pine-Sol? Sheesh.

Old Gallery Back

November 7, 2010
Wargames Illustrated Gonville Bromhead

The original gallery has been out of commission for a while. I finally got around to getting it back online. Ignore the errors and such; I’m not really looking to make it functional, just available. I’ve found myself trying to reference a few older blog posts, only to see that the pictures I needed weren’t up. I just got tired of that.

Two Months. Two Units.

October 20, 2010
Mr. Slow

Looking back through the blog, it looks like I started my Pak 40s back in August, around the 10th.  It’s taken me over two months to get them and my 88s done– and, technically, I don’t have movers for my Pak 40s.  Man, no wonder I never get anything done.

Eff Me

October 10, 2010

Now my microwave has gone out!!!

International D&D Contest

October 7, 2010

Bad LuckI’m entering Troll in the Corner’s International D&D contest.  I feel like my luck has to break soon…  My luck is so bad.  How bad is it?  My luck is so bad I just went to look at a car, and the previous test driver wrecked it!  Stay away from me, people!

In just the last two weeks…

October 4, 2010

I’ve had to completely replace the water service line to my house, had my car diagnosed with bad bearings in the crankshaft (read: new car), dropped a tumbler and shattered my wife’s ceramic cooktop, and now just had a screw put a quarter inch hole right through a tire, and spent an hour on the side of the road trying to figure out how to get the spare loose and change the tire!  The only upside of all of this is that vehicle needed new tires anyway.  My poor wife has spent the last three hours at the tire dealer, waiting around with our irritable two year old who should have napped two hours ago.  Ah well.  Having had two people in our lives diagnosed with cancer in the last couple of years, we’re able to keep things in perspective!  I still want to complain to the Internet, though!!

Edit: Got home and my fridge light was out…