Posts Tagged ‘rules’

Piquet move by move

November 25, 2009

Why I like Piquet and how it’s played, over at Olicanalad’s Games. If you were ever curious about the specifics of Piquet or what sets it apart from other rules, this is the post for you.

How to Host a Dungeon

November 3, 2009

I guess I never posted about it here, but Mik has my back, covering our very fun world building experience with Dawn of Worlds. When I stumbled across How to Host a Dungeon, I was reminded of that and went ahead and picked up the PDF copy for $5. It’s less interactive than Dawn of Worlds, being more of a system which generates a random fantasy dungeon, but does so via the chronological history of the region. I haven’t had a chance to play it yet, but it looks fun.

Variant Boards for Zombie Cinema

August 5, 2009

We started a 4e game last night, and after ran through another game of Zombie Cinema. Only this time, we set it in an Aliens setting. Two characters were Colonial Marines and the third was a colonist. It was fun, and worked very well with using the standard board as a rough guideline. The threat in Aliens gradually grows much like how the zombie threat in Night of the Living Dead develops. Zombie Cinema ought to work extremely well with little modification for anything like that. And, while I was poking around today, I ran across the Zombie Cinema Resources page, which includes variant resources, including a couple of newly designed boards.

Trouble at Peterson's Mill

August 1, 2009

Land War in Asia has posted Trouble at Peterson’s Mill, a game report for the very fun PKowboys from Piquet. I didn’t realize that PKowboys had been out of print for as long as it has, but I met the author, Jeff Grossman, at Historicon, and it sounded like he had some ideas fermenting for a second edition– you’ll note he left a comment on the post stating the same thing. With any luck, I hope to be able to playtest these rules and contribute to getting a second edition out!

Happy Birthday, Mik!

July 30, 2009

Today is Mik‘s birthday. I have played more games with Mik than with any other human being, and he started off his birthday with a blast, as he wound down our first game of 3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars as we passed midnight.

In 3:16, you play a member of Terra’s Expeditionary Force, killing aliens across the universe before they can become a threat to Terra. You have two stats– Fighting, and Not Fighting. You track one thing– the number of aliens you have killed. And that, folks, is pretty much the game (or so it seems at first…).

Mik, an AFOL, whipped up some awesome LEGO figures for the game. Of course, I wanted to play a black guy, so now he has to go take all new pictures. I played Timothy Smith Fouronetwo Epsilon. My Conformist Counselor back on Terra had strongly suggested the Expeditionary Forces were right for me, and, as always, she was correct. I may not have racked up as many kills as some of the other pukes in training, but my ability to keep my **** together when it hit the fan saw me rapidly promoted to Sergeant of Delta Squad, Gorgon Platoon, Poseidon Company.

I further demonstrated my abilities on our first mission to Klimt by coolly dispatching aliens with only my sidearm as I led our small part in the destruction of this sentient planet. I used the Strength of my memories of the first time I left Terra, and they removed my Testosterone Negator and Aggression Inhibitors. I had never felt so free and alive! Delta squad followed me to the underground hive nexus target, planted our suitcase nuke (as the Spectres in the Games and Theory Division started the short countdown, the ****s!) and got the **** out of there. I earned my callsign, Satan, and a promotion to Lieutenant of Gorgon Platoon for being cold and cool in the ****.

This is the life!! I can’t wait to do my time out here and return to Terra to live out my days in peace and happiness.

Warlord, 2nd Edition

May 20, 2009

I own the original Reaper Warlord rules. I always thought they looked intriguing, and I own a lot of Reaper figures anyway, just because of the quality, but I never got around to playing them. Now, with the upcoming release of a second edition, maybe I will.


March 8, 2009

Mik posted a game report of our recent Warlands night. We played two games and had fun with it. I intend to get some forces and play some more. There are also videos of two moves with rams and shooting. I may follow up and post more thoughts about it, but I’m tired and busy. Basically, I thought it was good and fun.

Chain Reaction 3.0

February 25, 2009

Two Hour Wargames has updated their Chain Reaction rules and released them for free. There are some really good ideas in there, everybody should check them out if they like modern skirmish gaming.