Posts Tagged ‘Roleplaying’

For Auld Lang Syne 2012

January 5, 2012

Welcome 2012! I
really can’t believe it’s 2012 already… I elected not to violate any local ordinances this New Year’s Eve, as Mik and I took my gun-controlled European brother-in-law to the shooting range and laid out a good old-fashioned American amount of ammunition for us to shoot.  Fortunately, a fellow New Year celebrant stepped up with the greatly impressive All-American Premiere.  That is definitely on my fireworks list from here on out.  Now, to reflect upon 2011, and see what’s upcoming for 2012…

Looking through my 2011 New Year’s post, despite not really promising that much, I still underdelivered.  I did paint up a substantial (for me) amount of 15mm WW2 figures, notably the Flames of War 29th ID figures with landing crafts.  I have some DUKWs ready to be painted up, along with some German beach defenses…pretty much everything I need for a D-Day game except the field fortifications.  So, I think that is my solitary goal for 2012.  Run some beach landing games in 15mm.  If I can manage to run two decent beach landing games in 2012, I will call it a successful year.

I still am itching for some Napoleonics.  I just feel like I don’t have enough painted to run a large enough game yet.  Hopefully, I will get around to getting some more 15mm Napoleonics painted this year.  In fact, I’ve been considering rebasing the ones I have…for the entire last year, apparently…although, really, since I’m not actually gaming with them, what’s the point?  But if I have time and energy enough, I’d like to pick a few smaller scenarios from Blunders on the Danube and build up those games.

I don’t blog about role-playing much here, although I do role-play pretty actively.  My Number One Son has his eleventh birthday coming up.  I am going to get him the widely-praised Pathfinder Beginner Box.  It reminds me of the old red box of my youth.  And, coolly enough, this box include pre-generated characters which match Reaper’s Pathfinder iconic characters— so I will be painting up the exact same figures the first adventure uses for him. 

Again, not holding out high expectations for 2012.  Life has been full and time has been short.  Often, I’d just rather veg out somewhere and regenerate than put forth the effort to accomplish something substantial.  So, I shall keep puttering along, taking my small victories where I can.

Nice custom maps with the GIMP

March 3, 2010

Having nice maps adds a lot to any game. Here is a nice article about using the free software GIMP to make some high quality maps. Although geared towards RPG maps, obviously it would work for anything. I haven’t tried it yet– it looks complicated, but it has step-by-step instructions, so it should be doable. The results look like it’s probably worth the time to figure out. One of these days…

Zombie Cinema Martians Variant Board

February 14, 2010

Mik and I were considering doing a Zombie Center variant game for a War of the Worlds-style martian invasion. Here is my first pass at a Zombie Center track for it….(more)

The track starts at the bottom and works up (like the ZC board is laid out):

ESCAPE (if 2/3rds of the characters Escape, Escaped characters return for one additional round to role-play the defeat of the Martians)

Free humans are rare. Martian terraforming advanced, and human food and water are extremely scarce.

Majority of humanity abducted. Remaining survivors turn on each other and try to collaborate with the Martians.

Martian terraforming of Earth begins. Human food supplies start to run scarce.

Human governments have collapsed under relentless assault. Significant portions of humanity abducted.

Martians unleash some heretofore unseen terrible technology.

Martians and their war machines freely roam the cities.

Characters can no longer rationally deny the Martian menace as they become an occasional direct threat.

Martians have landed, but distantly and with minimal effect on characters.

Martians appear only indirectly; rumors, delusions and rogue astronomers, for example.

RPG Market Breakdown

December 15, 2009

According to this store’s numbers, Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader, the FFG 40k role-playing games, already are third place in market share. Of course, they’re still small fish in a small pond…although it appears that D&D has lost about 20% of it’s market share since the introduction of 3.5.

Variant Boards for Zombie Cinema

August 5, 2009

We started a 4e game last night, and after ran through another game of Zombie Cinema. Only this time, we set it in an Aliens setting. Two characters were Colonial Marines and the third was a colonist. It was fun, and worked very well with using the standard board as a rough guideline. The threat in Aliens gradually grows much like how the zombie threat in Night of the Living Dead develops. Zombie Cinema ought to work extremely well with little modification for anything like that. And, while I was poking around today, I ran across the Zombie Cinema Resources page, which includes variant resources, including a couple of newly designed boards.

Happy Birthday, Mik!

July 30, 2009

Today is Mik‘s birthday. I have played more games with Mik than with any other human being, and he started off his birthday with a blast, as he wound down our first game of 3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars as we passed midnight.

In 3:16, you play a member of Terra’s Expeditionary Force, killing aliens across the universe before they can become a threat to Terra. You have two stats– Fighting, and Not Fighting. You track one thing– the number of aliens you have killed. And that, folks, is pretty much the game (or so it seems at first…).

Mik, an AFOL, whipped up some awesome LEGO figures for the game. Of course, I wanted to play a black guy, so now he has to go take all new pictures. I played Timothy Smith Fouronetwo Epsilon. My Conformist Counselor back on Terra had strongly suggested the Expeditionary Forces were right for me, and, as always, she was correct. I may not have racked up as many kills as some of the other pukes in training, but my ability to keep my **** together when it hit the fan saw me rapidly promoted to Sergeant of Delta Squad, Gorgon Platoon, Poseidon Company.

I further demonstrated my abilities on our first mission to Klimt by coolly dispatching aliens with only my sidearm as I led our small part in the destruction of this sentient planet. I used the Strength of my memories of the first time I left Terra, and they removed my Testosterone Negator and Aggression Inhibitors. I had never felt so free and alive! Delta squad followed me to the underground hive nexus target, planted our suitcase nuke (as the Spectres in the Games and Theory Division started the short countdown, the ****s!) and got the **** out of there. I earned my callsign, Satan, and a promotion to Lieutenant of Gorgon Platoon for being cold and cool in the ****.

This is the life!! I can’t wait to do my time out here and return to Terra to live out my days in peace and happiness.

Zombie Cinema

July 2, 2009

We didn’t have anything on the plate last night, so we dabbled in some RPG stuff. We’re planning to run through a D&D 4e campaign, so we worked on our characters a bit. Then, we decided to break out Zombie Cinema and give it a go. Zombie Cinema is a small, rules-light, “storytelling” RPG, where the players are survivors of some sort of zombie breakout, in the vein of Night of the Living Dead or any of its stylistic descendants.

The aren’t a lot of components, and they are packed into a black VCR tape case!

The main piece is a zombie track, which dictates the amount of involvement zombies are allowed to have in the story. Initially, there are only rumors of zombies, without any direct interaction. As the black zombie pawn advances, they appear more often, more violently and in more places, until civilization melts down at the end of the track. Each player has a pawn on this track, too. At the end of the track, just past the zombpocalypse, is the survivor’s escape. Once they move their pawn off the track, they have survived. If the zombie pawn is ever in their own space, they are eaten by zombies.
That’s the primary mechanic. The active player sets the scene, and then all players freely narrate the actions of their character and any secondary characters. After a few minutes, a conflict between player interests is developed. The players roll a d6 against each other. The winner gets to essentially be GM for the conflict of the resolution, and players on the winning side have their pawns advance towards the end of the zombie track. The losing side have their pawns dropped backwards towards the zombies. In the event of a tie, the conflict is unresolved as the zombies interrupt, and the zombie pawn moves forward.
It also includes three decks of character idea cards that you can use to get ideas for your characters. I drew the following: Dependent, Mental Problems, and Injured! Thus, I said I would be playing a crippled crazy person currently in a mental institution– the best of both Timmy and Jimmy, so to speak. Mik drew Officer, Loved Ones, and Temper, playing an angry cop trying to protect his family. Chris M. got Independent Woman, Naive, and You Are Special, and played a Scully-style FBI agent.
The action opened in my mental institution. Mik was dropping off a patient, while Chris was working on connecting network equipment to tie into the FBI’s database of the criminally insane. I had somehow made it out of my room, and, bashing on orderly on the head with my crutches, made a break for the front door, escaping. However, the angry Mik sets his K-9 unit after me, and then takes his time about getting it back off before returning me to the institution. Chris later tours the institution to check on my injuries. I use his distraction to try and palm keys off the orderly, whereby I’m seen by Mik, who breaks my arm getting me back into the cell.
At this point, I realize that, since this is so free form, it’s not like I have to mechanically escape. I open the next scene several hours later at the hospital, getting my broken arm treated. A distraught mother has brought her sick child, bitten by a supposed homeless man, into the waiting room. Mik is there with his HR rep to file a report on his use of excessive violence on me. Chris is in the morgue investigating the recent outbreak, when a corpse appears to wake up. He blazes away at it with his gun, as the kid in the waiting room turns violent. In the chaos Mik and Chris flee the hospital and I hide myself.
Mik opens his second scene at his house a week later, where he is loading his family into the station wagon to get out of town. I show up in the neighborhood and hobble over to him, asking to be taken along so the zombies don’t get me. Mik tries to stop me, but his wife and kids are sympathetic and don’t want to leave the crazy cripple to be killed. However, in the conflict, there’s a tie, and the zombies show up. Mik blazes away at them and tells his wife to drive off, meeting him later at their vacation house.
Chris and his fellow FBI agents show up, and in the melee, their car gets busted. They stop Mik’s family and try to commandeer their car. Mik and I try to stop them– but there is another tie, and the zombie pawn catches up to me. As I’m trying to fight off the FBI agents, the zombies catch up to us, and attack me as I’m sprawled on the hood of the family’s car.
I turn into a zombie, and start to attack the family. Mik forces me away, and gets into the car with his family and drives off. Mik’s pawn is off the board at this point, so he and his family survive this crisis. Chris and the only other surviving FBI agent attempt to hold off the zombies, but as his fellow agent goes down under a feeding frenzy, Chris makes a break for it.
A couple of weeks later, Chris has fallen in with a group of survivors trying to get to the nearest big city to seek a refuge camp. Along the way, a redneck takes exception to her being such an independent woman, and while they are away from the others, disarms her and tries to kill her. She escapes into the woods.
The next day, hungry and thirsty, she finds an abandoned service station. As she approaches, a zombie deer charges her, and a shot from a hunting rifle rings out. The bullet doesn’t down the deer, but drives it away. Chris meets the hunter, an older woman.
Later, they are both holed up in a remote cabin in the woods, living off the land. While there, a rogue National Guard squad comes into the area. They see them murder a survivor. The huntress begins to pick them off with her rifle as Chris barricades the house. One busts in, and Chris blasts him with a shotgun.
They team up with a couple of Guard survivors, and their guns and Humvee. They head north, hoping the cold will kill, or at least slow down the zombies. Along the way, the Humvee stalls, and they struggle to get it started as shambling shapes appear in the distance. Eventually, Chris and the huntress grab supplies and leave the Humvee, as the soldiers try to get it started again. In the distance, Chris hears their screams.
Chris and the huntress are in the cold now, but the zombies don’t appear to be affected by it. They are trying to cross a lake covered in thin ice, when the zombies spot them. More and more zombies begin to follow them, all of them adding to the weight on the ice. When it becomes clear to Chris that they aren’t going to make it, she throws a grenade at the zombies, shattering the ice and dropping them into the freezing lake. The huntress falls through as well and dies, and Chris freezes to death trapped on drift ice.

My Dark Heresy Feral Guardsman

June 26, 2009

We’ve had a couple of sessions of our Dark Heresy game so far, and I’ve really enjoyed it. Here is my completed character model. I still haven’t had a chance to actually pick up the sword yet, but I’ve gathered enough money to grab it once I have the chance. Assuming I stay alive long enough…I tried jumping out of a second story building and wound up darn near killing myself…

I know what you’re thinking, “A Sci-Fi guy? With a flintlock rifle and pistol???” Oh, yeah, that’s rediculous(ly fun)! That’s why I shoot once and then switch to the big hammer. 😉

Dark Heresy

May 3, 2009

It looks like we will be doing a Dark Heresy role playing game. We rolled up characters the other night, and it looks promising. I whipped up a conversion of my feral world Imperial Guard character, replete with flintlock rifle, pistol, explosive collar and (hoped for) mono-edged great sword. I will probably add some wild hair to him.

Venerate the Living Emperor!

April 23, 2009

Sounds like we may be playing a little Dark Heresy…I ordered the core rulebook today.