Posts Tagged ‘Project: 25mm Science Fiction’

Infinity PanOceaniac Fusiliers

August 15, 2012
Infinity PanO Fusiliers
Infinity PanO Fusiliers, a photo by The Gonk on Flickr.

A couple of guys in the game group were talking about starting Infinity up. What the hey, I already have plenty of the figures, so after seven some-odd years, I have started painting them up. Here is a photo of the first three. I see now that I didn’t finish highlighting the blues on the two men. Naturally. They are based temporarily on the regular bases. I’d like to do something more interesting, although I’m not sure what. I also think I’d like something more hefty, as many of the figures will be quite fragile and I’d like the base to strike the floor first when I drop them!

Bugs, Mr. Rico!

November 12, 2010
Bugs, Mr. Rico!

One hundred of ’em! As Nick Hawkins has noted, rubber cockroaches look surprisingly effective on the table, and are extremely cheap. I finally got around to ordering 100 of them off eBay, I really have no idea what I’ll do with them, maybe 5150 with Nick’s modifications. They just looked too cool not to have.

Fun with paper dolls!

February 25, 2010

Er, I mean, create your own custom Star Trek paper miniatures! (May require IE, blech!) I love this kind of stuff. Watch out for the new Vulcan commander Phase-fro!

Sci Fi Girl Squad!

February 24, 2010

They have a crush on every Sci Fi boy!

Here are some female Sci Fi figures that have been sitting around for quite some time waiting for me to base them. I’d like to thank them for their patience. I didn’t really have anything in mind to use them for, I just felt like painting them up. Many might see some action in a Supersystem game or two, or could even form an Inquisitor and retinue for 40k. The Copplestone/Grenadier warrior in the camo pants is painted up to match my Necromunda Orlocks, though, so should we ever get around to running another Necromunda game, my gang will have a bit more gender equity.

DSCN4885 DSCN4890 DSCN4891 DSCN4886 DSCN4887 DSCN4883 DSCN4882 DSCN4881 DSCN4879 DSCN4880 DSCN4878 IG Female Commisar IG Female Commisar

Buying Your Way In

April 29, 2009

I’ve never been much of one to play with figures other people have painted. I’ve bought and used a handful of used units before, and I’ve sent a few units to Fernando Enterprises, and one thing is clear to me: I just don’t enjoy my miniatures as much unless I have painted them. Plus, you tend to have the additional cost of painting labor on top of the figures themselves, making the whole thing more expensive. Yet I finally broke down and bought an entire army.

Our Trucidos campaign, like most campaigns, stalled and died. However, unlike most campaigns, where one or two players get tired and quit, we had one get fed up with the hobby altogether! He kept saying he was going to sell his army off, and I kept telling him not to, but to make sure and come to me first if he did. He had painted these figures in a burst of productivity (which maybe burned him out on it altogether) alongside us, and had done a really good job on the figures. After trying to get him back into it and letting him know I’d rather he kept them and played, he seemed insistent that he wanted to be rid of them, so I made an offer, and bought my first army.
It’s around 1,500 points of 40k Imperial Guard. That’s an army that has appealed to me, since the figures could be used for just about any Sci-Fi game, but it’s one which requires a lot more figures than most, so I’ve never seriously considered it. I sat down and figured that if my 2009 painting rate persists, it would take me approximately 16 years to paint this much stuff.
Which, frankly, made me rethink my whole distaste with the idea of buying painted miniatures.
Maybe at this stage of my life, it’s actually cheaper just to buy my way into a game. I mean, clearly, it’s cheaper to buy the metal unfinished– but not if I never finish them and never actually used them. Maybe just not buying unpainted figures and buying a painted army or two a year is a better way to go.
I’ll be mulling this over for a while…and not buying any unpainted figures for a while as I horde my pennies…
Anyway, here are some pictures of my new IG army. It feels like it was worth the money right now.

Making Ladders

April 23, 2009

A Year of Frugal Gaming has some quick ladder building tips. I’ve used HO scale model railroad tracks before. You just can’t have enough ladders, especially if you play Necromunda…

AE Bounty

March 9, 2009

Miniature Peddler has posted some pictures of upcoming figures from Darksun Designs, makers of AE-WWII. They could be interesting– I think it depends on the rest of the figures. They do look a tad cartoony, but that’s not necessarily bad. The same criticism could be leveled at the Spugs, and I really like them. So, something to keep an eye out for.

Know Your Own Strength

February 16, 2009

I just got an order in from em4. I ordered their Combat Zone rules, which I’ve had my eye on for a while. Since I was placing the order, I picked up a few of the old Grenadier Future Wars troopers, just to double check how they mixed with the newer Copplestone Castings troopers (just fine, which is what I suspected). Anyway, one I picked up was this cyborg. As I was forcing the figure into a slottabase, the whole figure broke at the waist! It was a thin part, certainly, but that’s the only figure that has happened to in thirteen or so years of putting figures in slottabases. I wonder if the metal composition contributed?

You can see the hole I drilled to pin the figure, and it’s based, primed and in the queue to be painted. I quite like it.

Corporate Babe

February 15, 2009

Another of the Copplestone Casting Future Wars Corporate Babes.

She's Got Legs

February 9, 2009

…and a broom handled Mauser… One of Copplestone’s Future Wars Corporate Babes, looking not really that corporate, but very nice nonetheless.