Posts Tagged ‘vikings’


August 17, 2013
Vikings, a photo by The Gonk on Flickr.

Right now, I have just finished the first two books of Bernard Cornwell’s the Saxon Stories/Tales/Chronicles, whatever it is. They are awesome! The primary protagonists of the series so fare are Halfdan, Ivar the Boneless, and Ubba— the historical leaders of the Great Heathen Army of Danes which conquered almost all of England, leaving only a toehold of swamp for Alfred the Great to stage his great come back from. All three of them were the sons of Ragnar Lothbrook, the star of the History Channel’s Vikings. I can’t believe the “Ancient Nazi Aliens” of the History Channel put out something this good and something this historical– or, if not historical, at least consistent with the legends. It’s not perfect– of course, the hero Ragnar is at both the Lindisfarne and Portland Bay raids, which were six years apart but are represented closely together, in the wrong place, and in the wrong order in the show. But it is still awesome!! I can’t wait to watch some more…and get some more Anglo-Saxons painted and run some Dux Britanniarum games!!

My Son's Book

October 14, 2009

My eight year old son and I have been talking about vikings and other medieval things lately, and he decided he was going to write a book about vikings. Great, son, you go do that. Well, he has written up a table of contents for his book…

  1. The Viking Invaders
  2. The Lord of the Vikings
  3. The Thieves
  4. The War of the Two Ships
  5. Out in the Sea
  6. They Fight for their Freedom
  7. The Lord Gives a Command
  8. The War That Made Enemies
  9. The Death of the Lord
  10. The Vikings Get Wiped Out
  11. Their Freedom
  12. The Attack of the Dragons

My response was…HECK YEAH! I can’t wait to read this book!! That sounds awesome!!